Thu, 5/15/25 - Sun, 5/18/25 Saalbau Griesheim, Frankfurt am Main

Re-digging the Wells of Revival Frankfurt Germany

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Missions to the Body of Christ (MBCI) in conjunction with Germany Pastors are delighted to be hosting Apostle John Kimani William in Frankfurt from

15th May 2025 – 18th May 2025.


Please book the dates you plan to attend so you can get a QR Code for check in


Donerstag/Thursday 15.05.2025 Evening session 17:00 to 22:00 - Pastors and leaders revival meeting

(incl. booking fee)

Missions to the Body of Christ International MBCI ist ein apostolischer Missionsdienst,
der das Evangelium unseres Herrn Jesus Christus lehrt und verbreite, Leben verwandelt,
Gläubige stärkt, Diener Gottes ausbildet und ausrüstet, Menschen, Familien, Städte und
Nationen in ihre göttlichen Bestimmungen führt.

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Sales end on: 5/15/25

Freitag/Friday 16.05.2025 Morning session 10:00 to 13:00 Revival meeting

(incl. booking fee)

Sales end on: 5/15/25

Freitag/Friday 16.05.2025 Evening session 17:00 to 22:00 - Revival meeting

(incl. booking fee)

Sales end on: 5/15/25

Samstag/Saturday 17.05.2025 Morning Session 10:00 to 13:00 - Youth Revival meeting

(incl. booking fee)

Sales end on: 5/15/25

Samstag/Saturday 17.05.2025 Morning Session 10:00 to 13:00 - Youth Revival meeting

(incl. booking fee)

Sales end on: 5/15/25

Sonntag/Sunday 18.05.2025 Morning Session 10:00 to 13:00 - Revival meeting

(incl. booking fee)

Sales end on: 5/15/25

Sonntag/Sunday 18.05.2025 Evening session 17:00 to 22:00 - Revival meeting

(incl. booking fee)

Sales end on: 5/15/25

Shipping and Payment Information

Thu, 5/15/25
Entry: 4:00 pm
Start: 5:00 pm
End: Sun, 5/18/25 , 10:00 pm

Saalbau Griesheim
Schwarzerlenweg 57 57
DE-65933 Frankfurt am Main

Organized by:
Mission of the body of Christ International (MBCI)
Infos und Kontakt

Re-digging the Wells of Revival Frankfurt Germany

Missions to the Body of Christ (MBCI) in Zusammenarbeit mit deutschen Pastoren freuen sich, Apostel John Kimani William in Frankfurt begrüßen zu dürfen

15. Mai 2025 – 18. Mai 2025.


Bitte buchen Sie die Termine, an denen Sie teilnehmen möchten, damit Sie einen QR-Code für den Check-in erhalten

Organized by
Mission of the body of Christ International (MBCI)


The event is organized by "Mission of the body of Christ International (MBCI)" and is the legal contact. The organizer is responsible for this page and its content.