The event is in the past.

Sun, 5/26/24 - Tue, 5/28/24 Beit Haam Jerusalem, Jerusalem

After October 7 together into a New Future

March of the Nations in Israel 2024

“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” Prov 17:17 (NKJV)

The crisis will prove who Israel's real friends are: So come to Israel on May 26-28, 2024 for the March of the Nations and show that people from all nations will walk into a new future together with Israel after October 7.



€159.00 (incl. booking fee)

Including entrance fee conference and march
Including bus transfer to the cities and back

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€235.00 (incl. booking fee)

Support the March of Life for the 76th anniversary of the State of Israel with a donation of 76€.

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Child Ticket


Children up to and including 13 years

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Führung durch Yad Vashem

€15.00 (incl. booking fee)

Currently no sale

What does that mean?

Special: Führung durch Yad Vashem

Sonntag, 26.05.24

10:00-13:00 Uhr


Die dreistündige Führung verbindet die geschichtliche Erklärung mit den persönlichen Geschichten hinter den im Museum ausgestellten Zeugnissen, Gegenständen, Fotos und Kunstwerken. Yad Vashem ist das weltweit bedeutendste Holocaustmuseum und Recherchezentrum. Die Führung wird von Prof. Gideon Greif auf Deutsch durchgeführt. Er ist israelischer Historiker, Pädagoge und einer der bekanntesten Experten zu Auschwitz-Birkenau.

Die Teilnahme ist ab 10 Jahre möglich – die Empfehlung ist ab 12 Jahren.


Treffpunkt zu Führung: Am Haupteingang um 09:45 Uhr.

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Translation German / Deutsch

€18.00 (incl. booking fee)

Translation Russian / Русский

€18.00 (incl. booking fee)

Translation Spanish / Español

€18.00 (incl. booking fee)

Translation Polish / Polski

€18.00 (incl. booking fee)

Can only be offered if there is sufficient demand.
Można je oferować tylko w przypadku wystarczającego popytu.

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Translation French / Français

€18.00 (incl. booking fee)

Can only be offered if there is sufficient demand.
Ne peut être proposé que s'il y a une demande suffisante.

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Shipping and Payment Information

Sun, 5/26/24
Start: 7:30 pm
End: Tue, 5/28/24 , 10:30 pm

Beit Haam Jerusalem
Betsal'el St 11
IL-9107801 Jerusalem

Marsch des Lebens e.V.
Eisenbahnstr. 124
DE-72072 Tuebingen


After October 7 together into a New Future

On October 7, 2023, Israel was shaken to the very core by the Hamas attack. Although even since its founding on May 14, 1948, Israel had been repeatedly attacked by overpowering enemies, it became a safe haven for Jews from all over the world.
On October 7, 2023, more than 1200, mostly young people, were brutally raped, killed and burned to death in a matter of hours. They had to die just because they were Jews. The horror of the Holocaust returned to Israel on October 7! And instead of consoling Israel and standing side by side with her, the world once again put the Jewish state in the dock.
The people of Israel are traumatized and wonder who they can still trust. With the government, army and security services having failed and most nations standing against Israel, many feel completely abandoned.
Israel is at war. And there is no other option but to win it. A young generation is becoming responsible soldiers and heroic fighters, ready to lay down their lives for Erez Israel.

The March of the Nations is calling people to stand with Israel during this time. In good times, it is easy to combine “sightseeing” with a spiritual program. But now Israel needs people to come to actively help, encourage and show on the streets that they stand with Israel. 

The Conference in Jerusalem on May 26-27, 2024

The conference venue “Beit Ha'Am” in the center of Jerusalem is the historic site of the trial and conviction of Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann, which became a milestone for a new future in Israel. The March of the Nations Conference will take place in the former courtroom on May 26-27, 2024. In addition to times of prayer and worship, relatives of hostages and survivors of the attack will share their stories. Politicians and IDF soldiers, artists, worshippers and the performance of the musical “Exodus 1947” will make the conference an extraordinary event. 

March of the Nations on May 28, 2024 in Beer Sheva, Ashkelon and other Cities in Israel

The cities in Israel are particularly eager to welcome the March of the Nations this year. The mayors are preparing attractive programs with encounters with Holocaust survivors and relatives of the victims of October 7. Together with the international participants of the March of the Nations, they will make a statement of hope on the streets: "After October 7 together into a New Future".

A Word on Security
Despite the tense situation, Israel is a country where you can move around normally and without fear if you observe certain safety regulations. At the same time, we are monitoring and evaluating the current situation in close consultation with the local authorities and will adapt the program if necessary.

Sun May 26, 2024, Jerusalem
7:30 pm – 10:30 pm: Kick-off Event Conference

Mon May 27, 2024, Jerusalem
8 am – 11 am: Morning Session Part 1
11:30 am – 1 pm: Morning Session Part 2
3 pm – 4:30 pm: Afternoon Session
7:30 pm – 10:30 pm: Evening Session with Exodus-Musical

Tue May 28, 2024, Cities throughout Israel
Morning: Bus Departure from Jerusalem
11 am – 1 pm: Encounter Meetings in the Cities
5 pm Marches in the Cities and Closing Event
Night: Bustransfer back to Jerusalem

It is advisable to book accommodation in Jerusalem from May 26 to 29. Participants are responsible for booking their own accommodation. The Pfeiffair travel agency will be happy to put together individual offers. Inquiries under

The conference fee includes the bus transfer to the events in the cities on May 28. Participants are responsible for booking their own travel to Israel, airport transfers and all other transportation needs.

Participants are responsible for their own catering during the conference. There are numerous restaurants and catering facilities in the immediate vicinity of the venue that can be used during lunch breaks or between events.

The main language of the conference is English. A fee-based translation service will be offered in the following languages: German, Russian and Spanish.
If there is sufficient demand, translation services can also be provided in Polish, French and other languages.
The translation can be booked directly at the time of registration.

Note: No translation service can be offered for the events in the cities.

Bookings for groups of 5 or more people can be sent directly to with the full names, nationality and date of birth of the participants and information on whether translation is required. An invoice will then be sent to the customer, payable 14 days before the start of the conference.

Children and young people are welcome at the conference and on the marches, but childcare cannot be provided. We ask parents to look after their children themselves.
Children aged 14 and over are subject to a fee.

As part of this year's March of the Nations, on May 28th, 2024, there will be meetings and marches in the following cities in Israel, where the participants of the March of the Nations will be distributed: Ashkelon, Be'er Sheva, Netanya, Tiberias and Zikhron Ya'akov (subject to change)

A few weeks before the conference, participants will have the opportunity to choose three favorites from the cities. On this basis, we will distribute the participants to the cities.

Despite the tense situation, Israel is a country where you can move around normally and without fear if you observe the safety regulations. At the same time, we are monitoring and evaluating the current situation in close consultation with the local authorities and will adapt the program if necessary.