The Shiyr Poets

Worship, Pop, Pop-Rock

We are a group of friends, songwriters and musicians who came together to create, record and perform folk-rock settings of the ancient Psalms.

We are attempting to render each Psalm in its entirety and also in sequence. When the Psalms are experienced and encountered in the order published from antiquity, a profound narrative arc emerges.

At times we journey through difficult terrain, so when we arrive at those moments of praise and gratitude, they ring with authenticity because of the route used to get there. Consider the 22nd Psalm as the prologue to the 23rd Psalm. As Walter Brueggemann said so insightfully, "In the Psalms we journey from orientation, through disorientation to reorientation." (Richard Rohr refers to this biblical pattern as order–disorder–synthesis.)

Plus, because we like living on the artistic edge and are fascinated by the ancient poets and songwriters, we’re also creating a few new songs based on song fragments discovered in the Dead Sea Scrolls.


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