The event is in the past.

Tue, 3/23/21 - Sat, 3/27/21 ONLINE

Revival Week with Wes Hall - online

Change the world through your relationship with Jesus
Straight from the Revival School of FCJG in Lüdenscheid you can participate "live" in the teaching week with Wes Hall. Wes Hall will teach at the school on the following topic: Passionate Relationship with Jesus. Join us! It will be worth it!



€50.00 (incl. booking fee)

Shipping and Payment Information

Tue, 3/23/21
Start: 7:00 pm
End: Sat, 3/27/21 , 5:00 pm


FCJG Schulungszentrum e.V.
Wislader Weg 8
DE-58513 Lüdenscheid


Revival Week with Wes Hall - online

Change the world through your relationship with Jesus. Starting with your world, and then the world around you.
Jesus' disciples lived with him and learned from him. From this they influenced the world around them. The Kingdom of God has not changed. These principles are still as relevant as they were 2000 years ago. Through deep personal encounters with Jesus we are shaped and then can fulfill the call, to share and influence the world around us today. This Revival Week is designed to help you grow in your own personal relationship with Jesus and bring you into greater dimensions of the Kingdom of God, so that you too can be salt and light for this world. The Holy Spirit wants to use you to demonstrate the Kingdom of God in power so that people around you realize that Jesus knows them and loves them.

03/23 – Welcome Night for Participants (Zoom)
03/24 - 26.03. Five Teachings with Wes Hall (YouTube) (You will also have access to these afterwards)
26 – Closing Night for Participants (Zoom)
03/27 – Day Seminar with Wes Hall (YouTube/Zoom)

Tuesday, 23.03.21
Beginn: 07:00 PM
Ende: 08:00 PM

Mittwoch, 24.03.21
Beginn: 10:00 AM
Ende: 11:30 AM

Beginn: 07:30 PM
Ende: 09:30 PM

Thursday, 25.03.21
Beginn: 10:00 AM
Ende: 11:30 AM

Beginn: 08:00 PM
Ende: 10:00 PM

Friday, 26.03.21
Beginn: 09:00 AM
Ende: 11:30 AM

Beginn: 07:00 PM
Ende: 08:00 PM

Saturday, 27.03.21
Beginn: 10:00 AM
Ende: 12:30 AM

Beginn: 03:00 PM
Ende: 04:30 PM

Wes Hall

Wes Hall was part of the leadership team of the International House of Prayer of Kansas City (IHOPKC) since 2000, and a faculty member of the International House of Prayer University (IHOPU) since its inception. Formerly a practicing lawyer in the City of London, UK, Wes now focuses his energies on intercession for revival and working to see a culture of prayer established throughout the Body of Christ globally. He has a passion to see God’s people gain a clear understanding of their identity in Christ that would overflow in lives of radical obedience to Jesus in every area of society. He and his wife, Carol, have four young children. Since 2016 they reside in Germany and now he is in the Gospel Forum (Stuttgart) the leader of the Revival Training Centers.