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Tue, 6/6/23 Glory Life Zentrum, Filderstadt

Öffentlicher Glory Life Schul-Abend mit Maria Prean

Öffentlicher Glory Life-Schulabend für übernatürliche Weltveränderer mit Maria Prean!

Dieser besondere Schulabend ist ausnahmsweise öffentlich – eine Anmeldung ist also keine erforderlich!

Weitere Infos zur Glory Life Schule auf

Vor dem Schulabend ab 19 Uhr: Gebet für ein frisches Wirken des Geistes in den Nationen; mächtige Erweckung und neue Ebene der Kraft und der Herrlichkeit in unser aller Leben!


Freie Platzwahl


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Tue, 6/6/23
Entry: 6:45 pm
Start: 7:30 pm

Glory Life Zentrum
Emerlandstraße 10
DE-70794 Filderstadt

Glory Life Zentrum e.V.
Emerlandstraße 10
DE-70794 Filderstadt


Parkplätze stehen kostenlos am Gemeindezentrum zur Verfügung.

Es wird keine Kinderbetreuung angeboten.

Maria L. Prean

Born in Innsbruck, I grew up sheltered with three siblings. Already at an early age I was preoccupied with the question why I am in this world. At the age of seven I had a deep encounter with Jesus Christ and since then I know that HE loves me and that my life belongs to HIM.
I became a teacher, but I saw my destiny in being a good mother to children. Due to a bad experience, I ruled out marriage and became a children's village mother. But the demands I made on myself were so great that I overtaxed myself and one day capitulated to God with my "good works". Then I finally understood that Jesus also died for my sins, and I was allowed to accept eternal life as a gift from His hand. From then on, I experienced the guidance of God in my life.
Even though some of these ways were not immediately understandable to me, looking back I may recognize and confess that God makes no mistakes.
For many years I lived in the USA, where my faith was strengthened and I was baptized. Back in Austria, I married a dear man. Together we began to do numerous ministries in the Kingdom of God. God also used other wonderful people for His work in my life. And today I am allowed to bring hope and joy to many people and lead them into a personal love relationship with Jesus Christ.
When I first came to Uganda in 1996, I could not have imagined all that the Lord had prepared in this country. In January 2001, I flew to Uganda again to preach the gospel in various places and to minister to the believers at AfriCamp in Kampala.