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Thu, 7/7/22 Dresen Projekt e.V., Eschenburg

Tagesseminar mit Maria Prean

Wie kann ich den Traum auf Erden leben, den mein himmlischer Vater in seinem Herzen für mich hat?

An diesem Tag möchte Maria Prean in gewohnt herzlicher, ehrlicher und erfrischender Art dazu einladen, das Herz des himmlischen Vaters zu erforschen und eine ehrliche Bestandsaufnahme unseres Lebens zu machen.


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Zoom Teilnahme


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Thu, 7/7/22
Entry: 9:45 am
Start: 10:00 am
End: 4:00 pm

Dresen Projekt e.V.
Biedenkopfer Str. 68
DE-35713 Eschenburg

Dresen Projekt e.V.
Biedenkopfer Str. 68
DE-35713 Eschenburg


Tagesseminar mit Maria Prean

An diesem Tag möchte Maria Prean in gewohnt herzlicher, ehrlicher und erfrischender Art dazu einladen, das Herz des himmlischen Vaters zu erforschen und eine ehrliche Bestandsaufnahme unseres Lebens zu machen.

Diese Veranstaltung bieten wir am Abend des 06.07. und am 07.07. noch einmal als Tagesveranstaltung an,
um so vielen Interessierten wie möglich eine Teilnahme zu ermöglichen. Das Seminar wird gegen Spende angeboten und wird live und via Zoom stattfinden.

Maria L. Prean

Born in Innsbruck, I grew up sheltered with three siblings. Already at an early age I was preoccupied with the question why I am in this world. At the age of seven I had a deep encounter with Jesus Christ and since then I know that HE loves me and that my life belongs to HIM.
I became a teacher, but I saw my destiny in being a good mother to children. Due to a bad experience, I ruled out marriage and became a children's village mother. But the demands I made on myself were so great that I overtaxed myself and one day capitulated to God with my "good works". Then I finally understood that Jesus also died for my sins, and I was allowed to accept eternal life as a gift from His hand. From then on, I experienced the guidance of God in my life.
Even though some of these ways were not immediately understandable to me, looking back I may recognize and confess that God makes no mistakes.
For many years I lived in the USA, where my faith was strengthened and I was baptized. Back in Austria, I married a dear man. Together we began to do numerous ministries in the Kingdom of God. God also used other wonderful people for His work in my life. And today I am allowed to bring hope and joy to many people and lead them into a personal love relationship with Jesus Christ.
When I first came to Uganda in 1996, I could not have imagined all that the Lord had prepared in this country. In January 2001, I flew to Uganda again to preach the gospel in various places and to minister to the believers at AfriCamp in Kampala.