
Pr. Michael Kimuli has spent his salvation life in passion to raise Godly altars of prayer, pursuing revival, helping individuals, families, churches, communities etc. acquire their deliverance and to raise up a revived and discipled Christian generation. From serving as an elder, Pastor and assistant Director in World Trumpet Mission for twelve years, a number of achievements were attained. Among others, Apostle Michael is one of the founders of The Africa Prayer Mountain for All Nations in Seguku, Uganda.
In 2005, he was released and now heads Christian Discipleship Ministries International (CDMI), based in Kampala. It is a discipleship ministry with a purpose of bridging generations; discipling nations and helping to raise a revived and discipled Christian generation of prayerful Christians through mentoring, training, prayer networking and equipping Christians with Biblical transforming principles and skills. Pr. Michael is an ordained minister and has served inter-denominationally with different organizations, extending to the Anglican and Presbyterian churches. His Ministry has not only been received here in Uganda but in various nations of the world where he has conducted prayer conferences, discipleship meetings and healing missions in different parts of the world. He has worked with a network of churches in different nations including Egypt with Kasr El Dobara Evangelical Church. Pr. Michael is a Patron and Chairman of Youth Revival Ministries and Patron of Pursuers Ministry in Uganda. He heads a hub in Uganda of North Western Christian University, based in USA. In his pursuit to study, be approved in ministry and benefit nations, he holds both diploma and degree in Systematic Theology, a Master's degree in Leadership, Management and Administration; a Doctorate of Christian Missions. He is presently pursuing a Doctor of Philosophy in Counselling Psychology.
In Uganda, Michael oversees fourteen (14) churches under CDMI.
He was also a Minister of Family affairs in a Unified body of Christ in Uganda.
Pr. Michael Kimuli is married with one wife and eight children. He is an author who has written to ten books, some translated into international languages like German and Finnish, contributing to the growth of the body of Christ world-wide in Jesus’ Name.


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