The event is in the past.

Fri, 5/3/24 - Sat, 5/4/24 Zentrum Arche, Winterthur

Tools for more breakthrough in your life!

Konferenz mit den internationalen Leitern von RTF

Are you longing for emotional and spiritual freedom and do you want to finally overcome stumbling blocks? RTF gives you a helpful process and most importantly the tools you need to live the abundant life that Jesus has already paid for.



CHF190.00 (incl. booking fee)

Sales ended

Married couple

CHF340.00 (incl. booking fee)

Sales ended


CHF90.00 (incl. booking fee)

Sales ended

Applies to pupils, students, unemployed people, FSJlers and BFDlers

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Fri, 5/3/24
Entry: 6:00 pm
Start: 7:00 pm
End: Sat, 5/4/24 , 5:30 pm

Zentrum Arche
Heinrich-Bosshard-Strasse 2
CH-8405 Winterthur

Restoring the Foundations
CH-8400 Winterthur


Tools for more breakthrough in your life!

Restoring the Foundations (RTF) is a very effective ministry for emotional and spiritual healing and deliverance. It exists in 33 countries with about 3,500 trained ministers. Bill Johnson, Kris Vallotton and Che Ahn also recommend this ministry. RTF has been maturing in German-speaking countries for 15 years. The biblical freedom tools can deal with all facets of problems under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Come and be equipped and empowered.
More information about RTF in at

"The ministry of RTF has brought profound healing, freedom and restoration to me personally, to our marriage and family, and to my ministry as a pastor. In addition, RTF has given me valuable "tools" to guide me through the challenges of everyday life and help me stay healthy."
Benjamin Brestak, Lead Pastor Wunderwerk Vienna Austria

"My RTF ministry has shown me where unconscious beliefs are shaping my life and ministry and keeping me stuck in unhealthy patterns. Together with a deep encounter with Jesus' unconditional and healing love, it has created a new foundation. On this foundation, I can lead powerfully and give and receive greater closeness as a father and husband."
Hans-Simon Pahl, Lead Pastor Equippers Flensburg Germany

Testimony by Kris Vallotton and recommendation by Bill Johnson on the homepage of

Prices include snacks, drinks and lunch on Saturday.
The event will be held in both English and German (translation on stage).
No childcare.

Fri 3 May 2024, 7 pm - approx. 9:30 pm
Check-in from 6 pm
Sat 4 May 2024, 9:30 am -12:30 pm and 14 pm - approx. 5:30 pm
Unfortunately, we are unable to issue tickets for parts of the conference.

Winterthur is easy to reach by train from anywhere. The closest Airport is Zurich; with two trains to Winterthur each hour (distance approx. 25 min.). Maybe you want to download the free app from (Swiss Train Services) to buy your tickets. Take bus line 2 (red) - direction 'Bahnhof Seen' - to the stop 'Waser'. Buy tickets before getting on the bus. There are several free and paid car parks. Here is the link to a map showing the options. If you can park in front of the Arche Zentrum, please don't forget to register inside (QR code).

Open address on Google Maps

A vegetarian option will be available.
As mentioned before prices include snacks, drinks and lunch on Saturday.

Lee und Cindi Whitman

Lee und Cindi Whitman folgten dem Ruf Gottes und übernahmen im September 2015 den Staffelstab von den RTF-Gründern Chester und Betsy Kylstra. Sie leben in Nashville, Tennessee, USA. Lee war 6 Jahre lang Pastor und 18 Jahre lang christlicher Seelsorger. Cindi war Hausfrau und Mutter, leitete auch mehrere Bibelstudien und war Leiterin der Frauenarbeit in einer großen Kirche in Nashville.

Lee und Cindi sind seit 1979 verheiratet. Sie haben drei erwachsene Kinder, zwei geliebte Schwiegertöchter und acht Enkelkinder. Sie sehnen sich danach, dass Menschen die Freiheit und Heilung erfahren, für die Jesus gestorben ist. Sie wollen sehen, wie Eltern ihre Kinder frei von der Last ihrer Vergangenheit aufziehen. RTF ist lebensverändernd und transformierend für alle, die es erlebt haben!

Andreas und Susanne Vogel

Andreas und Susanne Vogel haben nach zwei Jahren Ausbildung in den USA, 2009 - also vor 15 Jahren - Restoring the Foundations im deutschsprachigen Raum gestartet. Während vieler Jahren auf Achse haben sie RTF in vielen Teilen von Deutschland bekanntgemacht. Lass dich von einem einfachen Vorgehen anstecken, das auch hier schon weit über 1000 Menschen verändert hat.