The event is in the past.

dom, 28/10/18 - mer, 31/10/18 Gutshof Akademie, Frielendorf

Water to Wine Gathering

Brian Zahnd: "Kreuz oder zwanghaftes Konsumverhalten? Fundamentalismus oder Geheimnis? Kommunität oder Individualismus? Eklektisch oder Sektierertum?

Vier Tage mit Brian & Peri Zahnd, Norm Strauss (Musik) und Peter & Anne-Marie Helms (Gastfreundschaft und gutes Essen!). Vier Tag zusammen um offen und ehrlich schwierige Fragen zu beantworten um authentisch Jesus nach zu folgen.


Sitzplatz - freie Platzauswahl

175,00 € (incl. diritti di prevendita)

Vendita conclusa

Was bedeutet das?

Ermäßigtes Ticket für Ehepaare

315,00 € (incl. diritti di prevendita)

Vendita conclusa

Was bedeutet das?

Sitzplatz - freie Platzauswahl
Dieses Ticket gilt für beide Ehepartner.

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Informationen zu Versand und Zahlung

dom, 28/10/18
Ingresso: 17:00
Inizio: 19:00
Fine: mer, 31/10/18 , 15:30

Gutshof Akademie
Gutshof 2
DE-34621 Frielendorf

Peter Helms
Gutshof 3
DE-34621 Frielendorf


Water to Wine Gathering

Ist es möglich einen authentischen Weg zu finden Jesus zu folgen? Dieses "Zusammensein" mit Brian & Peri Zahnd, Norm Strauss (Musik), Peter & Anne-Marie Helms von versucht Christen und die die auf der Suche sind, zusammen zu bringen diese Frage ehrlich zu beantworten! Der Gutshof im Herzen Deutschlands, ist ein einzigartige Ort um dieses zu tun. Jeder ist von Herzen willkommen!

Brian Zahnd

Brian Zahnd is the founder and lead pastor of Word of Life Church in St. Joseph, Missouri. He and his wife, Peri, have three adult sons and seven grandchildren. He is the author of several books, including Unconditional?, Beauty Will Save the World, A Farewell To Mars, Water To Wine, and Sinners In The Hands Of A Loving God.

Peri Zahnd

Peri Zahnd has pastored Word of Life Church in St. Joseph along side her husband Brian for the past 36 years. She is a spiritual director (trained in the Benedictine tradition) and the author of Every Scene By Heart, an honest and heartfelt spiritual memoir recounting the beauty and difficulties of the trek, the insights and personal transformations experienced, and the surprising gifts of the Camino de Santiago.

Peter Helms

Peter was radically touched and transformed by Jesus while singing, dancing and acting in the musical "Hair" at the age of nineteen. His life has been and is, an expression of the flair that comes into our lives when 'touched by Jesus'. It's impossible to put him in a box, as he will surprise you and 'jump right out'. He is an artist by nature, on the cutting edge, daring, vibrant, colourful and spontaneous, using all the mediums to explore life. Peter has traveled far and wide, across the globe, vibrantly teaching on a variety of subjects including The Father Heart of God, "hearing God, finding your destiny and living a meaningful life amidst a broken and chaotic world. Peter enjoys seeing lives transformed by the Holy Spirit and enter into "The Divine dance with God" as "Richard Rohr" would put it!

Anne-Marie Helms

I love coffee, spicy food, a good laugh and lots of sunshine! (What's that white cold stuff falling out of the sky here in Germany? ..hahaha) Anyway......I love cooking, good food, a great glass of wine and spending a lot of time creating in the kitchen! trying new recipes, inventing some of my own, mixing the old and the new from all kinds of nationalities and cultures is what I go for! My desire is to bring out the God-Flavours and the God-Colours in life!