Fri, 9/6/24 - Fri, 3/14/25 New International Church, Biel/Bienne

Prophetic School of Ministry 2024/2025

PSOM / Prophetische Schule des Dienstes

Eine Schule für prophetischen Weitblick. Wir glauben fest daran, dass jeder die Gabe der Prophetie hat und sie immer weiter ausbilden kann. John Sagoe (Schulleiter) und ein Team von Gastreferenten werden in sieben Monaten an sieben Wochenenden in der Prophetic School of Ministry aus eigener Praxis lehren.


Reguläres Ticket

€380.00 (incl. booking fee)

Shipping and Payment Information

Fri, 9/6/24
Entry: 6:00 pm
Start: 7:00 pm
End: Fri, 3/14/25

New International Church
Jakobstrasse 56
CH-2504 Biel/Bienne

New International Church
Jakobstrasse 56
CH-2504 Biel


Prophetic School of Ministry 2024/2025

Der Gastgeber der School of Ministry Schweiz ist New International Church unter der Leiterschaft des Senior Pastors John Sagoe. Seit 2010 bieten wir eine prophetisch-apostolische Ausbildung an, um die Welt für Christus zu gewinnen. Unsere Schule basiert auf der Heiligen Schrift Gottes und legt den Fokus auf den prophetischen Dienst, der Segnungen, Heilung und Befreiung bringt. Interaktive Lernerfahrungen mit weltweiten Referenten und zusätzlichen Einsätzen im Ausland stehen allen offen. Die Schule erstreckt sich über sieben Monate, beginnend im September 2024. Kosten: 300 CHF mit Frühbucherrabatt bis August 2024. Jeder ist willkommen, unabhängig von religiösem Hintergrund oder theologischem Wissen.

Interaktion mit einer vielfältigen Auswahl an dynamischen Referenten aus aller Welt, während der Schulstunden und im Dienst.
Gemeinschaft und Austausch mit anderen Studenten zum Beispiel in Kleingruppen, Pausen etc.
Möglichkeit zu persönlichen und direkten Fragen an Pastoren, Leiter und Gastreferenten.
Das Umfeld in der Schule ist international: Unsere Studenten sowie unsere Lehrer und Gastreferenten kommen aus verschiedensten Ländern. Deshalb ist die Unterrichtssprache immer in Englisch, Deutsch und Französisch!

Unsere Veranstaltung bietet begrenzte Parkmöglichkeiten direkt vor Ort sowie zusätzliche Parkplätze gegenüber bei der Firma Schnyder. Wir empfehlen jedoch allen Teilnehmern, frühzeitig zu kommen, um sich einen Parkplatz zu sichern. Alternativ stehen öffentliche Verkehrsmittel zur Verfügung, um bequem zu uns zu gelangen.

Nach dem Auslösen der Zahlung ist es aus organisatorischen Gründen nicht mehr möglich das Geld zurückzufordern. Wir danken für Ihr Verständnis und bitten Sie deshalb es sich gut zu überlegen bevor Sie eine Zahlung tätigen!

06.09.2024 - 08.09.2024

04.10.2024 - 06.10.2024

31.10.2024 - 03.11.2024

06.12.2024 - 08.12.2024

24.01.2025 - 26.01.2025

21.02.2025 - 23.02.2025

14.03.2025 - 16.03.2025

Einlass jeweils um 18 Uhr und Beginn um 19 Uhr.

Stacey Campbell

Stacey ist eine prophetische Stimme für diese Generation und hat eine Leidenschaft dafür, Gläubige zu lehren, wie sie die Stimme Gottes hören können. Sie hat in über siebzig Ländern gedient und sich dafür eingesetzt, dass Menschen, Städte und Nationen verwandelt werden. Die Campbells haben fünf erwachsene Kinder und leben in Kalifornien, wo sie Teil der Healing Rooms of the Santa Maria Valley sind.

Maria L. Prean

Born in Innsbruck, I grew up sheltered with three siblings. Already at an early age I was preoccupied with the question why I am in this world. At the age of seven I had a deep encounter with Jesus Christ and since then I know that HE loves me and that my life belongs to HIM.
I became a teacher, but I saw my destiny in being a good mother to children. Due to a bad experience, I ruled out marriage and became a children's village mother. But the demands I made on myself were so great that I overtaxed myself and one day capitulated to God with my "good works". Then I finally understood that Jesus also died for my sins, and I was allowed to accept eternal life as a gift from His hand. From then on, I experienced the guidance of God in my life.
Even though some of these ways were not immediately understandable to me, looking back I may recognize and confess that God makes no mistakes.
For many years I lived in the USA, where my faith was strengthened and I was baptized. Back in Austria, I married a dear man. Together we began to do numerous ministries in the Kingdom of God. God also used other wonderful people for His work in my life. And today I am allowed to bring hope and joy to many people and lead them into a personal love relationship with Jesus Christ.
When I first came to Uganda in 1996, I could not have imagined all that the Lord had prepared in this country. In January 2001, I flew to Uganda again to preach the gospel in various places and to minister to the believers at AfriCamp in Kampala.

John E. Sagoe

Apostle John E. Sagoe – is a Kingdom visionary, spiritual father of many around the globe, author, mission founder as well as the Apostle and founder of New International Church Switzerland.

New International Church is headquartered in Biel, Switzerland and has branches in West Africa, Chicago USA as well as several other branches in Switzerland. Apostle John’s heart is also beating for those that are poor. Through the Safe Haven Organisation, mission projects to help the poor are expanding continuously in West Africa.

Apostle John is further known for an accurate gift of prophecy. Many prophecies including prophecies over nations, governments and politicians have already come to pass.
He is the founder of the Prophetic School of Ministry in Switzerland. A school that takes place yearly from the month of September until March. The school currently attracts students from Switzerland as well as neighboring European countries.
Among men and women of God, Apostle John is often described as a “spiritual bulldozer”, “The Apostle of Grace” and his close disciples characterize him as an “always happy, loving and single-minded man full of compassion and Holy Ghost fire”.

He is married and is a father of five girls.

Sam K. Ankrah (GH)

Sam Korankye Ankrah is the Founder and Apostle General of Royalhouse Chapel International, a church in Ghana with more than 30,000 members and one of the most prominent and fastest growing Charismatic and Pentecostal ministries in Ghana, with numerous thriving local Assemblies and International Missions. He is also the first vice president of the Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council.

He operates effectively in all the five –fold ministries and is a well sought after revivalist and international speaker, with passion for God and compassion for humanity. Through his philanthropic initiatives and dynamic radio and television ministries, he has transformed the lives of millions of people in Ghana and abroad. Rev. Sam Korankye Ankrah is also a Christian statesman, advisor to leaders in government, an author and mentor to a number of religious leaders who have submitted to his apostleship.

He has received numerous awards including the US President Lifetime Achievement Award 2022 from the US government.

He is married and has four children.